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Sugon has successfully cooperated with many Internet industry customers to jointly define and build market competitive products with ultra-high computing capabilities, meeting user's forward-looking needs and industry eco-layout planning, helping users to establish intelligent and high value-added scale computing basic support platform and achieve Computational scale, high performance, scalable best practices.
Applied cloud platform is actually a multi-node virtual host, like a cloud host except for having more nodes. Compared with using an independent server, the stability and performance are much higher using an applied cloud platform where to deploy internet programs. For instance, I have a telecommunication-entrusted server and my website is placed on the server. If something wrong happens to the server, my website then will not be able to be accessed. Such problem will not happen when using an applied cloud platform. An applied cloud platform has more nodes, so if the server of one node is down, it will automatically switch to another node, thus the website works as well. Moreover, problems as if low access speed will not appear either, and the users do not have to maintain the server by themselves.
Applied cloud platform also provides various developing environments, so the users just need pay attention to their business platform rather than building a developing environment or an underlying hardware base. Therefore, the time of the users’ development progresses can be greatly shortened and the portability of the programs can be enhanced.
Besides, applied cloud platform still provides a promotion platform. Nowadays, most of the internet giants have built their cloud platforms and using their huge access flow to help their market developers with the products promotion.
Therefore, applied cloud platform is the development trend of the big internet companies. As an IAAS-level provider of the traditional cloud computing, Sugon is also experienced in building cloud computing business platform and can provide the big internet companies with both hardware products and the related business consultation services.
Dawning Information Industry Co.,Ltd. Sugon Building, No.36 Zhongguancun Software Park, No.8 Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
Tel:+86 400-810-0466
Fax:+86 10-56308222
Dawning Information Industry Co.,Ltd. Sugon Building, No.36 Zhongguancun Software Park, No.8 Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
Tel:+86 400-810-0466
Fax:+86 10-56308222