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Sugon has long focused on the research of financial business, combined with Sugon liquid-cooled data center, IT infrastructure, cloud storage and other solutions to build a business support platform for the efficient operation of the financial industry, and promote the effective integration of information resources and information sharing in the financial industry.
1.1. Industry Overview
The whole financial industry has been gradually informationized. However, following the rapid development of the internet technology and application, especially the surging amount of the issued cards and online transaction, the financial industry is facing the problems of large data. How to regulate these individualized transaction? How to detect cheating behaviors? How to discover and drive new businesses? And relational database schema congenitally lacks capacities of processing large data. The financial industry critically needs new methods and technology to solve the above problems to meet the new requirements and promote the sustained and rapid development of the business.
1.2. Solution Schema
Addressing the current problems the financial industry is facing, Sugon brings up the large data solution. Combining with the large data processing standard hadoop, Sugon in the solution makes re-customization and optimized development to the open source hadoop, and also adds ETL tools and connecting drivers to seamlessly connect the existing financial business system. Below is the solution schema:
1.3. Advantages of Solution
Based on building the basic platform and exactly addressing the users’ requirements as well, Sugon financial large data solution provides quality and software & hardware integrated solution services to solve the users’ technical problems about deployment and business transplantation & development, thus to help the users crossing the application threshold, vitalize the data asset for the financial industry, help the users seizing the commanding height of new technology, and promote the sustained business development.
Dawning Information Industry Co.,Ltd. Sugon Building, No.36 Zhongguancun Software Park, No.8 Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
Tel:+86 400-810-0466
Fax:+86 10-56308222
Dawning Information Industry Co.,Ltd. Sugon Building, No.36 Zhongguancun Software Park, No.8 Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193
Tel:+86 400-810-0466
Fax:+86 10-56308222